Interpreting Digital Heritage Through Gamified Interactive Spaces

Anil’s research examines the intersection of heritage and digital technologies, including 3D scanning, modelling, texturing, animation through game engines, and augmented and virtual reality applications. Additionally, it focuses on user experience (UX) and human-computer interaction (HCI) by developing interactive, gamified virtual environments that interpret and disseminate cultural heritage. By integrating advanced technologies such as 3D scanning and game engines, the research aims to create an engaging digital medium for exploring historical narratives beyond heritage materiality. Instead of merely replicating the existing physical situation of heritage in a digital environment, this study fosters a virtual space that enhances visitor perception, offering a new understanding of the place.


Anil Yavuz graduated as the valedictorian from the Department of Architecture at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2020. He then continued his academic journey at the same institution, where he earned his master’s degree while working as a research assistant for three years. His research explores the intersection of digital media, art, architecture, and cultural heritage.


Dr Hamid Khalili
Dr Hamid Khalili Senior Lecturer in Architecture View profile
Professor Ulysses Sengupta
Professor Ulysses Sengupta Professor of Architecture and Urbanism View profile