Stone, S.H., 2025. Continuity in Architecture, GMex, Manchester.
Stone, S.H., 2025. LITTORAL INSPIRATIONS: ENCOUNTERS WITH THE LAGOON Continuity in Architecture Exhibition showing the work cross-disciplinary, cross-institutional projects generated at the HAULuP Workshop 2013, Benzie Gallery 2014.
Stone, S., Lee, S., Sanderson, L., 2021. Bradford Reimagined, City Park, Bradford, 9/7/2021 - 31/8/2021.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., Lee, S.J., 2019. Rochdale Reimagined, Rochdale Central Library, 25/6/2019 - 16/8/2019.
Stone, S., Sanderson, L., 2019. UnDoing, 21/3/2019 - 26/5/2019.
Sanderson, L., 2019. UnDoing Buildings, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, 22/3/2019 - 26/5/2019.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., 2019. UnDoing Exhibition, 21/3/2019 - 26/5/2019.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., Lee, S.J., 2017. Bakewell : Some Ideas, Bakewell Town Hall, 16/6/2017.
Sanderson, L., Lee, S.J., Stone, S.H., 2017. The Way We Live Now, Bakewell Town Hall, 24/2/2017.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., Lee, S.J., 2016. Bollington. Real : Imagined, Bollington Arts Centre, 22/5/2016.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., Lee, S.J., 2016. Oddments and Epigrams : Interventions in Bollington, Bollington Arts Centre, 18/1/2016 - 20/1/2016.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., Lee, S.J., 2013. If on a Winter's Night a Traveller : The Drawings, Cartmel Priory, 17/6/2013.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., Lee, S.J., 2013. If on a Winter's Night a Traveller : The Models, RIBA HUB : Manchester, 19/6/2013.
Stone, S.H., 2012. Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses, RIBA Hub, 23/4/2012.
Stone, S.H., 2011. "Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses ll", Right Gallery, Manchester, 27/4/2011.
Stone, S.H., 2011. Urban Narratives" Cube Gallery May 2011. An exhibition of the films and posters produced at the Urban Narratives workshop, Cube Gallery, Manchester, 24/5/2011.
Stone, S.H., 2010. Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses", Right Gallery, 28/4/2010.
Stone, S. Brooker, G, 2007. Re-Readings, Cube, April 2007.
Stone, S.H., 2006. "Interventions", The Cube Gallery, Manchester, 31/5/2006.
Stone, S. Crompton, A. Dunn, N., 2005. CMI National Competitiveness Summit 2005, GMEX, October 2005.
Stone, S.H., 2004. "Continuity in Architecture", Sant Sadurni, Barcelona Spain, 27/10/2004.
Stone, S. Roberts, D., 2004. 6 Proposals, Remodelling Project for the Buildings at Can Guiea, Town Hall, Sant Sadurni, October 2004.
Stone, S. Johnston, J. Fusco, M., 2001. Happy Homes: Relationships between Art and Architecture within the Domestic Environment, S1 Artspace/Projects, Sheffield, March/April 2001.
Stone, S.H., 2001. Looking Through, S1 Artspace/Projects, Sheffield., 28/3/2001.
Stone, S., Hollis, E., 2022. 'Inside Information: The defining concepts of interior design', RIBA Publishing.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., 2021. 'Emerging Practices in Architectural Pedagogy: Accommodating an Uncertain Future', Routledge.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., 2021. 'Remember, Reveal, Construct : Reflections upon the Contingency, Usefulness and Emotional Resonance of Architecture, Buildings and Context.', Routledge.
Stone, S., Sanderson, L., 2021. 'Teaching-Learning-Research: Design and Environments', AMPS.
Stone, S.H., 2019. 'UnDoing Buildings: Adaptive Reuse and Cultural Memory', Routledge.
Stone, S., Pendergast, M., Emery, T., Sanderson, L., 2019. 'UnDoing Exhibition Catalogue + Essays', MSA Press.
Brooker, G., Stone, S.H., 2018. 'Re-readings 2: Interior Architecture and the Design Principles of Remodelling Existing Buildings', RIBA Enterprises,
Stone, S., Brooker, G.J., 2016. 'Form and Structure in Interior Architecture Edition 2', Bloomsbury.
Brooker, G., Stone, S., 2012. 'From Organisation to Decoration An Interiors Reader'.
Stone, S.H., Brooker, G.J., 2010. 'What is Interior Design', Rotovision.
Brooker, G., Stone, S., 2009. 'Basics Interior Architecture 04: Elements / Objects', AVA Publishing.
Brooker, G., 2009. 'Elements + Objects -Occupying Space', AVA. Luasanne Switzerland/Brighton.
Brooker, G., 2009. 'What is interior design ?', Rotovision: UK.
Stone, S.H., 2008. '"Visual Dictionary of Interiors" November 2008. ISBN: 978-2-940373-80-2 and 2-940373-80-9', AVA Publishers..
Brooker, G., Stone, S., 2008. 'Basics Interior Architecture 02: Context & Environment', AVA Publishing.
Brooker, G., 2008. 'Context and Environment - site and Ideas', AVA Switzerland.
Stone, S.H., 2007. '"Visual Dictionary of Architecture" 288 pages. ISBN: 13:978-2-940373-54-3', AVA Publishers..
Brooker, G., Stone, S., 2007. 'Basics Interior Architecture 01: Form and Structure The Organisation of Interior Space', AVA Publishing.
Stone, S. Brooker, G, 2007. 'From Organisation to Decoration: The Routledge Reader of Interior Design Theory', Taylor Francis/Routledge.
Stone, S. Brooker, G, 2007. 'The Organisation of Interior Space: Form and Structure', AVA Publishing UK/Switzerland.
Stone, S.H., Dunn, N., 2006. 'interventions'.
Stone, S. Brooker, G, 2004. 'Re-Readings: Interior Architecture and the Design Principles of Remodelling Existing Buildings', RIBA Enterprises, UK.
Brooker, G., Stone, S., 2004. 'Rereadings Interior Architecture and the Design Principles of Remodelling Existing Buildings', Jacqui Small.
Book Chapters
Stone, S., 2023. 'Make-Do-and-Mend: the repair and reuse of existing buildings'. In Berger, M., Irvin, K. (eds.) Repair: Sustainable Design Futures, pp. 186-195, Routledge, London.
Stone, S., 2023. 'Reconfiguration: fragments of time and place'. In De Caigny, S., Ertas, H., Plevoets, B. (eds.) As Found: experiments in preservation, Flanders Architectural Institute, Antwerp.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., 2021. 'Introduction'. In Emerging Practices in Architectural Pedagogy: Accommodating an Uncertain Future, pp. 1-15.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., 2021. 'Pedagogy + policy Rochdale reimagined'. In Emerging Practices in Architectural Pedagogy: Accommodating an Uncertain Future, pp. 94-115.
Stone, S., Sanderson, L., 2021. 'Pedagogy + policy: Rochdale reimagined'. In Sanderson, L., Stone, S. (eds.) Emerging Practices in Architectural Pedagogy: Accommodating an Uncertain Future, pp. 94-115, Routledge.
Stone, S., 2019. 'Conservation as experience'. In Fiorani, D., Franco, G., Kealy, L., Musso, S.F., Calvo-Salve, M.A. (eds.) Conservation - Consumption Preserving the Tangible and Intangible Values, EAAE, Hasselt, Belgium 2019.
Stone, S., Sanderson, L., 2019. 'UnDoing: An Essay by Sally Stone and Laura Sanderson'. In UnDoing, Manchester School of Architecture (MSA) Press.
Stone, S., 2018. 'Conservation: A Future Orientated Movement Focussing on the Past.'. In Conservation/Consumption: Preserving the Tangible and Intangible Values. European Association for Architectural Education 2019, European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE).
Stone, S., Brooker, G., 2018. 'Discharge Recharge'. In Re-readings: 2 Interior Architecture and the Principles of Remodelling Existing Buildings, Routledge.
Stone, S., Brooker, G., 2018. 'Strategy: Insertion: No 1 Balfour Place'. In Re-readings: 2 Interior Architecture and the Principles of Remodelling Existing Buildings, Routledge.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., 2018. 'The Way We Live Now : How Architectural Education can support the Urban Development of Small Settlements'. In Day, K. (eds.) Global Dimensions in Housing, Green Frigate Books.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., 2017. 'Oddments and Epigrams'. In Day, K., Chatzichristou, C. (eds.) Housing Solutions Through Design.
Stone, S.H., 2017. 'The Dance of Dead Things'. In Fiorani, D., Kealy, L., Stefano, M. (eds.) Conservation/Adaptation: Keeping Alive The Spirit Of The Place Adaptive Reuse Of Heritage with Symbolic Value, pp. 305-314, European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE).
Stone, S.H., 2016. 'Gate 81'. In Modern Futures.
Stone, S.H., 2014. 'Identification and Place'. In HAULuP.
Stone, S.H., 2012. 'Manchester-Manchester'. In BeSIDES TOURISM: Revisiting Barcelona's Most Touristic Places.
Stone, S.H., 2012. 'On Taking Away'. In Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses lII.
Stone, S.H., Cos, P., 2012. 'The Lecturer's Perspective'. In Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses lII"..
Stone, S.H., 2011. 'Undoing Buildings'. In Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses lI.
Stone, S.H., 2010. 'Landmarks of Memory'. In Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses I.
Stone, S.H., 2010. 'The Lecturer's Perspective'. In Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses l.
Brooker, G., 2008. 'from organisation to decoration'. In gigli, hay, hollis, milligan, milton, plunkett (eds.) thinking inside the box - a reader in interiors for the 21st century, 125-133, middlesex university press, UK.
Stone, S.H., 2004. 'Approaches to Remodelling Buildings'. In Multiculturalism and Post-Colonial Sphere; Re-interpretation of Space.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., Lee, S.J., 2019. 'Rochdale Reimagined', MSA Press.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., Lee, S.J., 2017. 'Bakewell : Some Ideas'.
Stone, S.H., Sanderson, L., Lee, S.J., 2017. 'Reclaiming the Road: Public Realm Improvement Proposals for Bollington in Cheshire'.
Journal Articles
Stone, S., 2023. 'Notes towards a definition of Adaptive Reuse', Architecture, 3 (3), pp. 477-489.
Stone, S.H., Sanderson, L., 2023. 'UnDoing: a research-through-curation project that investigates the reuse of the built environment', Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 15 (1), pp. 42-55.
Stone, S., 2022. 'Telling tales: design thinking through storytelling', TRACE Notes on Adaptive Reuse, 4, 8.
Stone, S., 2020. 'Undoing Buildings: Assemblage, Memory and the Recovery of Wholeness', The Architect, October 2020/5 No. 207, pp. 029-035.
Stone, S.H., 2015. 'Gate 81: Saving Preston Bus Station', IDEA Journal, 2014, pp. 80-95.
Stone, S., 2014. 'The Haçienda: the manufactured image of a post-industrial city', Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture, 5 (1), pp. 37-53.
Stone, S.H., Brooker, G., 2008. 'Off-The-Peg: the Bespoke Interiors of Ben Kelly', AD Magazine Interiors Atmospheres Special issue.
Canniffe, E. and Stone, S., 2007. 'Building Study: de Metz Forbes Knight's Guest Street scheme in New Islington, Manchester', The Architects' Journal, Number 18 Volume 225, 25-37.
Stone, S., 2005. 'Re-readings: The design principles of remodelling existing buildings', Advances in Architecture Series, 20, pp. 125-134.
Conference Papers
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"The Persistent Context"', UIA 2005 Istanbul, XX11 World Congress of Architecture; Cities: Grand Bazaar of Architectures..
Jolley, V., Sanderson, L., 2021. 'MSA CATALYSTS: advanced peer learning through vertical group projects', AMPS Conference: Teaching-Learning-Research: Design and Environments, Manchester School of Architecture, UK, 2/12/2020 - 4/12/2020, in AMPS Proceedings Series 22.1. Teaching - Learning - Research, 22.1, pp. 129-140.
Stone, S., 2021. 'The force of everyday life', European Association for Architectural Education 7th Workshop on Conservation, Prague, Czech Republic, 25/9/2019 - 28/9/2019, in Conservation-Demolition: Transactions on Architectural Education no. 67, 67, pp. 224-233.
Sanderson, L., Lee, S.J., Stone, S., 2020. 'Small Settlements Research Projects', Education, Design and Practice - Understanding Skills in a Complex World, Stevens Institute, New York / New Jersey, 17/6/2019 - 19/6/2019.
Lee, S.J., Stone, S.H., Sanderson, L., 2019. 'Reclaiming the Road: People and Vehicles in Small Settlements', REHAB 2019: 4th International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures, Guimaraes, Portugal, 17/7/2019 - 19/7/2019, in REHAB 2019 Proceedings.
Plevoets, B., Berger, M., Stone, S., 2018. 'An Interior Approach to Education and Adaptive Reuse', 17/5/2018 - 18/5/2018.
Stone, S.H., 2017. 'Adaptable interiors', 22/7/2015 - 24/7/2015.
Lee, S.J., Stone, S., 2017. 'Teaching Continuity: New Modes for Developing Architectural Design in Historic Settlements', REHAB 2017: 3rd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures, Braga, Portugal, 14/6/2017 - 16/6/2017, in REHAB 2017 Proceedings.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., 2017. 'The Way We Live Now : How Architectural Education can support the Urban Development of Small Settlements', AMPS, Derby, 22/6/2017 - 23/6/2017.
Stone, S.H., Sanderson, L., 2017. 'Trouble in Happy Valley: The Documentation of a Research Through Design Collaborative Project between a Postgraduate Atelier at the Manchester School of Architecture and the Local Community of a Small Town.', Proceedings: Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges, EAAE ARCC 10th International Conference (EAAE ARCC 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, 15/6/2016 - 18/6/2016.
Stone, S.H., 2016. 'Sustainable Adaptation of the Existing Situation', World Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, Manchester, 2/9/2015 - 4/9/2015.
Stone, S.H., 2016. 'The Task of the Translator', Creative Cities, Porto, Portugal, 24/1/2017 - 27/1/2017.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., 2016. 'Trouble in Happy Valley: The Documentation of a Research Through Design Collaborative Project between a Postgraduate Atelier at the Manchester School of Architecture and the Local Community of a Small Town.', EAAE ARCC, Lisbon, 14/6/2016 - 18/6/2016.
Stone, S.H., 2015. 'At Home In Work', Nomadic Interiors, Milan, 21/5/2015 - 22/5/2015.
Stone, S.H., 2015. 'Gate 81: Saving Preston Bus Station', 19/3/2015 - 21/3/2014, in 978-989-8734-02-0.
Stone, S.H., 2014. 'HomeWork', Body and Space 2014, Middlesex, 15/9/2014 - 17/9/2014.
Stone, S.H., 2012. 'At Home In Work', Archtheo'12, Istanbul, 31/10/2012, in 978-605-4514-04-5, House & Home from a Theoretical Perspective.
Stone, S.H., 2012. 'Continuity in Architecture', Production of Place, 3/12/2012 - 6/12/2012.
Stone, S.H., 2011. '(In)Appropriate Appropriations', Interiors Forum Scotland September 2008. "Interior Tools, Interior Tactics : Debates in Interiors Theory and Practice, Edinburgh, in Interior Tools, Interior Tactics : Debates in Interiors Theory and Practice", 2011. ISBN: 9781907471148 1907471146.
Stone, S.H., 2010. 'The Past Recaptured', Narrative Space, University of Leicester and the University of Nottingham., 19/4/2010 - 22/4/2010.
Stone, S.H., 2010. 'Transgressive', IFW2010 in Milan, in INTERIOR WOR(L)DS. ISBN: 978-88-422-1935-4.
Stone, S.H., 2009. 'Infected Interiors: Remodelling Contaminated Buildings', 6th Modern Interiors Research Centre Conference, Kingston University, 22/5/2009.
Stone, S.H., 2008. 'Spolia."Invited keynote speaker', Re-habitation of Existing Buildings Conference, IUAV Venice, 13/10/2008, in Gli interni nell progetto sull'esistente, ISBN 978-88-7115-561-6.
Stone, S.H., 2007. '"From Organisation to Decoration". Invited Keynote Speaker, the Interiors Forum (Scotland).', the Interiors Forum (Scotland). March 2007., in ISBN 978 1 904750 22 2.
Stone, S.H., 2006. '"Remember - Reveal - Construct"', GBEN 2006. Global Built Environment: Towards an Integrated Approach for Sustainability., in ISBN 978-1-84728-396-2. 226 pages.
Stone, S.H., 2005. '"Re-Readings"', STREMAH 2005: Ninth International Conference on Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture. June 2005. Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture IX, WIT Press, in ISBN 1-84564-021-7. 641 pages.
Stone, S., 2005. 'Re-readings: The design principles of remodelling existing buildings', in WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 83, pp. 125-134.
Stone, S., 2019. 'EAAE Thematic Network on Conservation: Workshop VII CONSERVATION / DEMOLITION'.
Stone, S., 2019. 'Gate 81: Saving Preston Bus station', Harris Museum, Art Gallery and Library, Preston.
Stone, S., Walker, J., Parry, G., 2019. 'Lived in Rooms - The Home, the Terrace and the Wallpaper: Home Is Where the Heart Is', 2 Springfield Lane, Salford.
Sanderson, L., Lee, S.J., Stone, S., 2019. 'Rochdale by Way of Venice', Manchester Business School.
Stone, S., 2019. 'UnDoing Buildings', Rhode Island School of Design. USA.
Stone, S.H., 2016. 'Adaptation and Reuse.'.
Stone, S.H., 2016. 'Context and Environment'.
Stone, S.H., 2016. 'Sustainable Adaptation'.
Stone, S.H., 2015. 'Gate 81: Preston Bus Station'.
Stone, S.H., 2015. 'Landmarks of Memory: Reflections upon the Re-Use of Existing Buildings'.
Stone, S.H., 2015. 'Subversive Research'.
Stone, S.H., 2015. 'Undoing Buildings: Reflections upon the Contingency, Usefulness and Emotional Resonance of the Existing Situation'.
Stone, S.H., 2014. 'A Sword Decorated with Myrtle Leaves'.
Stone, S.H., 2014. 'Gate 81'.
Stone, S.H., 2014. 'Gate 81'.
Stone, S.H., 2014. 'Old Buildings - New Forms'.
Stone, S.H., 2014. 'The Past Recaptured'.
Stone, S.H., 2013. 'Continuity in Architecture'.
Stone, S.H., 2013. 'Continuity in Architecture'.
Stone, S.H., 2013. 'Preston Bus Station'.
Stone, S.H., 2013. 'The Manufactured Image of a Post Industrial City'.
Stone, S.H., 2012. 'The City, the Building, the Room'.
Stone, S.H., 2011. 'Looking Through'.
Stone, S.H., 2011. 'Manchester/Madchester'.
Stone, S.H., 2010. 'Landmarks of Memory'.
Stone, S.H., 2010. 'Strategies for Remodelling Existing Buildings'.
Stone, S., 2007. 'Looking Through: the Art of Manipulating Light and Movement within an Interior', Interiors Forum (Scotland), The Lighthouse Centre for Architecture and Design, Glasgow, March 2007.
Brooker, G., 2007. 'Spolia - (In)Appropriate Appropriations', Gli Interni Nel Progetto Sull Esistente., Venice, Italy., 24-25th October 2007, in Gli Interni Nel Progetto sull'esistente, Volume 3, 297-301.
Stone, S., 2006. 'Remember - Reveal - Construct', GBEN 2006. Global Built Environment: Towards an Integrated Approach for Sustainability, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, 11-12 September 2006.
Stone, S., 2006. 'The Persistent Context', UIA 2005 Istanbul, XX11 World Congress of Architecture; Cities:Grand Bazaar of Architectures, UIA 2005 Istanbul, XX11 World Congress of Architecture, July 2005.
Stone, S.H., 2004. 'Approaches to Remodelling Buildings" Inand Post-Colonial Sphere in Urban Spaces, Taiwan.'.
Stone, S. Brooker, G, 2004. 'Re-Readings:The Design Principles of Remodelling Existing Buildings', Conference of International Co-operation and Exchange-Re-Interpretation of Space, Tai-Nan University, Taiwan. R.O.C, Conference 22:11:04 / Workshop 23-26:11:04, in Multiculturalism and Post Colonial Sphere: Re-Interpretation of Space, 266.
Brooker, G., 2004. 'Rereadings:Tactics and Three Detailed Studies of Remodelling Space / Undoing Buildings Workshop', Conference of International Co-operation and Exchange-Re-Interpretation of Space, Tai-Nan University, Taiwan. R.O.C., Conference 22:11:04 / Workshop 23-26:11:04, in Multiculturalism and Post Colonial Sphere: Re-Interpretation of Space, 1, 266 pages.
Theses and Dissertations
Djabarouti, J., 2021. 'The impact of intangible heritage on architectural and building conservation practices in the UK: a socio-material outlook', Canniffe, E., Stone, S., Robertson, J..
Csepely-Knorr, L., 2014. 'Connections between the United Kingdom and Hungary in the field of urban design with a particular emphasis on the work of Thomas H. Mawson and Béla Rerrich'.
Other Outputs
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"Antwerp Interrupted"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"Approaches to Remodelling Buildings"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses II"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses lII"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"Archaeology's Places and Contemporary Uses"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"Experiments with Urban Narratives"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"Heritage and Architecture of Urban Landscape under Production"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"Interventions"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"Looking Through"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"Manchester-MaDchester"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"The City, the Building, The Room"'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. '"UnDoing Buildings"'.
stone, S., 2025. 'Continuity in Architecture'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. 'Gate 81" 2013 Gate 81 is a series of projects and events that focused upon the then condemned building; Preston Bus Station. These included: performances, lectures, seminars, installations, exhibitions, lectures and charrettes. In collaboration with arts'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. 'On Building and Memory'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. 'ReReadings: Interior Architecture and the Remodelling of Existing Buildings'.
Stone, S.H., 2025. 'The Liveable City. A two-week celebration of Architecture and Urban Planning in collaboration with the Danish Institute. Invited speakers.'.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., Lee, S.J., 2020. 'A Future for the Already Built, Portfolio'.
Lee, S., Sanderson, L., Stone, S., 2020. 'Reclaiming the Road: A Research-by-Design Approach to the Problems of Small Settlements'.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., 2019. 'UnDoing Buildings Tour'.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S., 2019. 'UnDoing, Portfolio'.
Stone, S.H., Sanderson, L.M., Lee, S.J., 2017. 'The Way We Live Now : Symposium'.
Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., Lee, S.J., 2016. 'Time and Context'.
Stone, S.H., Lee, S.J., Sanderson, L., 2014. 'Symposium : Contextualism Dead or Alive'.