The Corner Shop

The Corner Shop explores the lives and social interactions of migrants who have established their own businesses and livelihoods on the high street. 

The project is centred around Foleshill Road in Coventry, proposing an urban regeneration to uplift an ethnically diverse community which is home to many migrants in the city. It focuses on three main scales: street regeneration, converting garages into elderly care units, and establishing the Ekta cultural hub. These elements together form a site masterplan that enhances and creates new spaces along Foleshill Road.

The interventions are designed to support the community by providing opportunities for lively interactions and embracing art, music, and other forms of expression. At the same time, they address the underlying social, economic, and environmental issues that have led to deprivation and inequalities in the area.

The proposed interventions aim to enhance community ownership by creating spaces that are safe, versatile, and vibrant, reflecting the community's needs. They also seek to foster social connections among members by embracing culture, identity, and a sense of belonging.