The Cognitive Portal to the Alternative World

In the same space, due to past experiences, current emotions, and subconscious influences, people's perceptions of the space become biased, preventing them from ever experiencing the space in its most objective and original form. However, it is because of this that the possibilities of the space, through distorted and illusionised perceptions, are formed into infinite possibilities.

Nevertheless, the cities and space we live in have become more and more indistinguishable due to the rapid development of capitalism or the designers' own idealistic design thinking. People are forced to adapt to the space, rather than the space adapting to us.

However, when we can capture the process of how people truly perceive space and discover the products of these distorted perceptions—the most authentic form of space for each individual—we can design truly for people and mind. Architecture that deeply resonates with us, serves as an extension of our consciousness and body, seamlessly merging our spirit with space and becoming our “second skin” (Bruno, 2002) feeling what we feel, seeing what we see. In this case, we are architecture, and architecture is us.