Feminist Factory of Visibility

"I believe that we can create the intersectional future that we want to see: one that is green, regenerative, sustainable, and equitable for all people - not just a selective few." Leah Thomas, 'The Intersectional Environmentalist' 2022.

Feminism to me, means dismantling systems of oppression, surpression to empower all. Not just people, but the planet too. Over time, as an individual, a daughter, a believer, and a creative, I have developed a deep rooted interest in empowerment through an intersectional feminist lens. PRAXXIS has enabled me to shift my persepective by drawing on my personal matters and develop a feminist design proposition to overcome today's injustices. 

In many creative sectors, black women are underrepresented. With less than 1% in the field of architecture, fashion and many more; the serious issues of diversity, low funding and pay gaps stands as barriers for the aspiring to also thrive in these spaces. Concurrently, climate change as a crucial global issue, also disportionately impacts communties of colour emerging as 'environmental racism'. The impact of carbon emissions on nature, climate and people, calls for action that responds both to the environmental and racial justice.

The Feminist Factory of Visibility (The Creative College) responds to these challenges by proposing a social and environmental intervention. It aims to educate, exhibit an empower black creative talent while addressing environmental racism. Situated on an organic landscape, the design forges a caring relationship between race and nature via its ramped green roof, inviting communties to recognise and appreciate creativity via the internal and external programs.