The Factory of Ga'dat

I am Nihad Sharief a Black Muslim Sudanese woman born to 1st generation immigrants; my area of interest is Sudanese architecture. The ongoing war in Sudan which started April 2023 sparked my interest in proposing my project about Sudan, as it enables me to raise awareness about Sudan in a climate where there are multiple genocides currently occurring. This topic intrigues me because it allows me to create areas for people who like my family have been displaced from their cultural heritages. Looking at architecture from a feminist lens allows me to create environments which are inclusive and welcoming to minorities. Feminism within architecture became an area of interest for me particularly during the height of the Sudanese revolution when the Lady Liberty of the Sudanese revolution who had opposed an oppressive regime, she became a pivotal figure within the movement for Sudanese liberation and was plastered everywhere on buildings. As the Sudanese diaspora is sporadic it appealed to me to try and cultivate spaces for women of Sudan to come together and remember their culture in an unfamiliar environment.