A Feminist Factory of Care

Being part of PRAXXIS has given me a new perspective on architecture, highlighting its potential to drive societal change. At the start of the third year, we were encouraged to base our projects on something we wanted to change and improve in society. This inspired me to focus my project on altering societal views on abortion, a highly controversial topic. Society has not advanced but rather regressed, with many beliefs rooted in guilt and judgment. The social notion that others should have a say in a woman’s personal choices regarding her body is a serious issue. Additionally, the surrounding judgment of abortion contributes to the shame associated with the subject.

Therefore, my project aims to design a building that challenges these taboos, fosters open conversations, and promotes a deeper understanding of abortion. The Feminist Factory of Care offers a safe and calming environment for individuals seeking medical and therapeutic advice about abortion options. To engage and educate the public, it also serves as a forum for art and educational exhibitions by people who have experienced abortion. The building provides a range of short and long term treatment options that combine medical procedures with art and therapy-based emotional support. My ultimate goal is to foster open discussions about abortion, challenge social norms, and provide positive support to people during this process.