The Sanctuary of New Beginnings: Galactic Labyrinth

In an era of rapid technological growth, my project explored the ideals of cyberfeminism as a source of empowerment for women. Drawing on Haraway’s visionary framework, it challenged patriarchal norms by reimagining the relationships between humans and machines. Central to this philosophy is an understanding of the fluid and permeable boundaries that define women's bodies in the technological world.

Within the “Galactic Labyrinth” framework, the project envisions a new “planet”, a utopia, created by new humans - cyborgs - in the year of 2124. It explores how technological innovation and societal change intertwine to redefine human existence. My project focuses on making “Tower of Reincarnation” work as a system, further exploring and explaining how this new utopia is envisioned and created through the lens of cyberfeminist principles.

Inspired by the ancient remains of the Colosseum and the problems posed by climate change, my design aims to redefine this historic site as a symbol of hope and innovation in a rapidly changing world. With transforming the iconic Colosseum in Rome into a multifunctional tower for the year 2124, this sustainable tower houses a variety of programs, including Governance & Parliament, Debate & Discussion (The Forum), Artificial Womb Centre (The Hatchery), Scientific Research Centre, Gene Editing and Simulation Experience Centre, Advanced Human Enhancements Centre (The Factory), Administrative (Adopt Infants), Temporary Living Complex, Education Centre, Amusement Centre, Hospital, and a Crematorium for Cyborg Organics (Biofuel Mass Burner). Each programme is designed to foster equity, collaboration, and sustainability.