Feminist Factory of Taboo

Situated in the fictional site of the reimagined 'Radiant City' by Le Corbusier, the Feminist Factory of Taboo aims to tackle misconceptions and misinformation around sex, bodies, gender and more. Living in a world where 30% of young people don't know how to access their local sexual health services, and even our own medical proffesionals are not taught about essential facts of womens health such as FGM (Female genital mutilation) makes a good sex education system all the more important. 

The Feminist Factory of TABOO aims to provide evidence based, inclusive and empowering sex education to whoever will listen. The magazine ‘BODY’ is written by professionals, and contains information on everything from consent, to STI testing, to puberty. It is written, printed, bound and distributed monthly from the Feminist Factory of TABOO.

In the magazine’s ‘sister building’ just next door, school children and members of the general public are invited to weekly zine workshops to support centralised sex education - learning about what school might miss out (like what it means to be gender non-binary!) and creating zines about their own experiences.