The politics of plastic

The project origins stem from my initial research into waste and the climate. The personal impacts we all have are astonishing with the average human using 175 plastic bottles a year. It is important to note that all plastic ever created is still with us today, as individuals we must address this climate crisis instead of moving the issue to other countries. 

Set in 2040 the new recycling and reuse centre in Perry Barr has helped Birmingham reach its net zero waste and recycling goals. The building has dragged the city from the worst recycling area in the UK to the best, being a pioneer in building reuse and recycling design. 

A series of underground connections to the wider masterplan will help the centre successfully segregate waste in order for effective recycling without the need of outdated trucks arriving weekly at homes.

The centre celebrates its honesty with exposed structures and interchangeable panels in order to increase its in use life with materials being taken from demolition sites around Birmingham. The space also houses labs for research into plastic and recycling and education zones to better inform the public of the importance of localised waste management.