Feminist Nightscapes: The Safe Place

A staggering 63% of women feel unsafe walking alone at night. This pervasive fear serves as a powerful tool of control, preventing women from leading complete, liberated and independent lives. The proposal, ‘The Safe Place’, addresses women’s nighttime safety concerns in New Islington, Central Manchester, by focusing on cultivating a vibrant 24-hour urban environment.

Emphasising safety and inclusivity, ‘The Safe Place’ features a comprehensive programme incorporating amenities such as a library, nightclub, public bathrooms, residential and retail units. In addition to the mixed-use programme, a travelator along the inner-city ring road is proposed as part of Manchester’s public transport system. This will diminish the necessity for women to linger at bus or tram stops during the night, simultaneously promoting active travel.

Additionally, I gathered opinions from myself and my peers on walking alone through Central Manchester. These insights informed architectural decisions, such as the elimination of corners on ground floor levels. This strategy aims not only to enhance physical security but also to foster a sense of comfort and emotional well-being within the urban fabric.