The atelier is conceived as a think tank and test bed - a platform for research and experimentation in architectural design and is concerned with holistic understandings of design and sustainability.

Within the evolving context of advanced architectural practice our interest lies in the interaction between technology and people, in the design and delivery of environments that support the needs and activities of contemporary and future society, in a creative, positive and equitable way.

All projects explore contemporary and novel design methods and material performances in tectonic and spatial propositions. Testing of these occurs in application to a specific programmatic brief and this year’s themes were ‘high-rise’ and interpretations of the notion of ‘performative morphologies’.

In BA3, Projects began with experimentation in digital modelling techniques to uncover opportunities for pavilion and installation scale architectural designs. These ideas were then developed further, applying design techniques and understandings of material and environmental performance to the high-rise typology exploring possibilities for the post-pandemic, city-centre workplace.