LULU Landscape & Urbanism sits within URBED+, a wider research partnership between Manchester School of Architecture and award-winning consultancy URBED. URBED+ is an innovative, cross-sector vehicle that combines academia and practice to pursue research, advocacy and education. The novel approach taken by the atelier is to integrate public realm and landscape approaches, exploring how this interacts with built form and architecture. Through URBED+, the atelier benefits from both cutting-edge research and practice-based knowledge, across the wide range of specialist disciplines pertinent to its agenda, including urban design, landscape architecture, architecture, planning, sustainability and real estate.

Urbanism is complex, conflictive and multi- disciplinary. The client is multiple, control is partial, the program indeterminate and there is no state of completion. The primary aim of this atelier is to prepare students to understand and to successfully participate and intervene in this process of urban design.

For their final year projects, students are introduced to different approaches to intervention in urban areas through theories and principles in urban design, tools and techniques of analysis, and the knowledge and skills for designing urban areas and negotiating the implementation of those designs. This year students worked with sites in Belfast, Blackpool, Leeds and Milan. Initially working in teams, they first produce in-depth reports analysing physical, socio- economic and cultural factors. Students then individually create a theoretically driven urban design framework to guide strategic, long-term goals for the wider city region, followed by the evolution of part of this framework into a masterplan - a three-dimensional product and a process of implementation to achieve that product. The masterplan design considers, in varying levels of detail, activity patterns, built form typologies, open space types and hierarchies, movement types and channels. The implementation process considers timescale, phasing, costs and value of development and participating agencies. Particular attention is given to issues of landscape, transportation and development finance. One key space or building within the masterplan is then developed in more detail to explore the implications of their approach across all scales of urban design.

Year 6

Professional Studies

Professional Studies 1

High Street Re-use

High streets have been going through vast changes in the last century, impacted by the arrival of inner-city shopping centres, out-of- town retail parks and the convenience culture of online retail. Their decay has become a key challenge, dominating debates in urban design, town planning, architecture, landscape architecture and place management. In this first project, students address this through a landscape driven approach, designing the re-use of public space in one of Stockport’s local high streets - Castle Street - and then the re-use of retail units that line it. This equips students with principles and abilities in landscape design as well as a detailed understanding of the relationship between public space and architecture. They learn the potential of landscape to revitalise declining urban centres, to accommodate various functions in public space and to respond to functional, aesthetic and technological needs.

Professional Studies 2

Terraced House

Within a market-driven construction industry, new housing in the UK is highly dependent on private developers. This means that residential development is primarily driven by profitability, leading to risk-averse repetition of very limited and generic products and minimal consideration of public realm beyond the saleable units. In this project students discover the balance between control and creativity - creating coherent public realm through masterplanning whilst leaving scope for architectural innovation – and they re-imagine the terrace as a robust and sustainable typology capable of responding to the housing needs of different demographics. A group masterplan is developed (this year in Edgeley, Stockport) and then sequentially blocks, streets and plots in increasing detail. Each student has one plot in which to re-imagine the terrace typology for contemporary times and for diverse clients, whilst working co-operatively within the constraints agreed in the group masterplan.


Year 5

Claire Ainsworth, Sonia Mancxia Balaguru, Celia Brearley, Sophie Chappel, Eva Cheung, Hyda Davis, Charlotte de Moor, Irena Renata Dewi, Emily Hagger, Panagiotis Kapositas, Sung Jie Koh, Filippo Mecheri, Cezara Misca, Hannah O’Neill, Holly Rhiann Partlett, Megha Paudyal, Anna Charlotte Rezin, Luke Richards, Areeje Sherllalah, Laura Gabriela Toth, Alex Williams, Ka Hei Wong, Bismah Zafar

Year 6

Jessica Abbott, Hani Namirra Binti Abdul Nasir, Farid Abdulla, Emmanuel Adedokun, Kimberley Androliakos, Farah Arar, Florence Bell, Chelsea Bland, Michael Foster, Kate Glynn, Asim Hanif, Alice Iu, Alistair Lewin, Peiyin Loi, Nadia Pinto, Ethan Schofield, Aishwarya Somisetty, Edward Sykes, Oliver Thomas, Irvine Toroitich, Kirsten Wah-Finn, David Wilkinson