Siobhán is the Academic Lead for Pastoral Care and Inclusion across the School of Architecture and lead for MArch students repeating without attendance. She is an internationally respected academic and researcher in the fields of bioclimatic architecture, the processes of ecotonal adaptation, aviation and exhibition design and applied psychological pedagogy for improved performance in high pressure situations. She has worked regularly with the National Trust in designing pavilion exhibitions for public interaction and engagement across a number of historic sites.

Siobhán in currently undertaking Faculty sponsored PhD research in the area of positive mental health resilience and the psychology of higher education in creative disciplines. The research project is concerned with the perceived mental health of students of Architecture, seeking to determine a framework for mental toughness training in order to increase their psychological resilience during both their architectural studies and early career.

Siobhán was previously a founding member of the QED Research Unit along with Colin Pugh, and leader of the BA3 Atelier as well as leader of the Biomemetics Research Unit on the BArch Programme. She also lectures in Architectural Technology and teaches on undergraduate courses within the School. Siobhán is Co-Chair of MMU’s Disabled Staff Forum, a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Arts and the Higher Education Academy, has presented internationally and has consulted on sustainable development strategies for both architectural practice and regional government.



Barry, S.C.M., 2014. Remembrance Exhibition in association with the National Trust, Dunham Massey, Cheshire to commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, Formal Gardens, Dunham Massey, Cheshire, 29/1/2014 - 17/2/2016.


Barry, S.C.M., 2013. 'Cold Light at Dunham Massey: Five Pavilions by students from msa', Manchester School of Architecture.

Barry, S.C.M., 2012. 'Manchester School of Architecture Cold Light Pavilion Project National Trust, Dunham Massey'.

Journal Articles

Barry, S., 2019. 'Flights of Fancy - The Modernist Terminal in the 21st Century: The Cases of Gander International Airport, Canada and Trans World Airlines, USA', Studies in History and Theory of Architecture, 7, 14.

Conference Papers

Barry, S., 2020. 'Spatiality and the Memorialisation of Conflict', Mediating the Spatiality of Conflicts, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 6/11/2019 - 8/11/2019.

Barry, S., 2019. 'Remembrance: The Architecture of Ideas', Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.

Barry, S., 2019. 'The Art of Remembrance: Sculpting an Idea', Manchester Metropolitan University.

Barry, S.C.M., 2013. 'Hive Minds: Distributed Intelligence in the Biomimetic Studio', Eco-Architecture IV: Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature, Kos, Greece, 5/9/2012 - 7/9/2012, in Sustainable Development and Planning, 193, pp. 335-344.

Barry, S.C.M., 2013. 'To design and to build: Educational Perspectives from the Dunham Massey Pavilion Project', Patterns of Thought: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Aesthetics, Education and the Arts, The Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool, 21/6/2013 - 22/6/2013.

Barry, S., Keeffe, G., 2010. 'Biomimetic Architecture: Ecotonic Transmutations Across the Urban Membrane', SB10 Finland Sustainable Community - buildingSMART Conference, Espoo, Finland, 22/9/2010 - 24/9/2010, in SB10 Conference Proceedings.


Barry, S. and Keeffe, G., 2010. 'Biomimetic Architecture: Ecotonic transmutations across the urban membrane', SB10: Finland - Sustainable Community Building Smart, Espoo, Finland, 22-24 September 2010.

Barry, S. and Edmondson, A., 2010. 'Urban metabolism: Feeding, the Suburbs to the City - A Biomimetic model for the synergistic remediation of local agriculture and urban sprawl', Diversity and Convergence: Planning in a World of Change, Anglia Ruskin University, U.K, 7-9 April 2010.

Barry, S. and Keeffe, G., 2007. 'The Biomimetic Studio: Organic Learning through Research by Design', TIA Conference, Danube University Krems, Austria, 14-15 September 2007.

Barry, S., 2006. 'Physician Heal Thyself: A Bioclimatic Solution to Community Healthcare Architecture', 44th International Making Cities Liveable Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 18-22 May 2006, in IMCL Council Documentation Set 48, Social & Physical Health & the Built Environment.

Other Outputs

Barry, S.C.M., Pugh, C., 2025. 'Digital Design & Fabrication Symposium'.