Dr. Glen Wash Ivanovic is an architect, researcher and educator, currently a Senior Lecturer at the Manchester School of Architecture, where he leads the design studio for the MA of Architecture and Urbanism. He is a recipient of the Monbukagakusho Scholarship, receiving a Master’s and Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo. His practice experience ranges from city planning in the public sector to working with Pritzker-winner Fumihiko Maki. His research is focused on developing methodologies for information visualization applied to place-based architectural design, with an emphasis on the mapping and representation of architectural proxemics. He has tested these methodologies in places like Valparaiso, Tokyo, Fukuoka, Shanghai and rural China. Glen is a member of the Cross-cultural Research on Architecture Collective (CRAC), a collective of scholars engaged in collaborative research about Asian notions of space. Before joining the MSA, he held research and teaching positions at The University of Tokyo, XJTLU, and Fukuoka University. Additionally, he delivered guest lectures and served as a design critic at universities across Asia, Europe, and the United States.

Academic and professional qualifications

  • Ph.D in Architecture - The University Of Tokyo. 2011
  • Masters in Engineering - The University Of Tokyo. 2007
  • Bachelor in Architecture - Catholic University of Valparaiso. 2002

Previous Employment

  • Associate Professor of Architecture – Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Suzhou, China. (2017 - 2024)
  • Lecturer in Architecture – Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Suzhou, China. (2012 - 2017)
  • Associate Postdoctoral Fellow – Fujii’s Laboratory of Urban Morphology, Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo. (2010 - 2011)
  • Project Assistant  – Fumihiko Maki and Associates. Tokyo, Japan. (2008 - 2011)
  • Reviewer Architect  – Providencia City Hall. Santiago, Chile. (2002 - 2005)

Visiting Positions

  • Visiting Researcher – Miyazaki’s Laboratory of Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism, Fukuoka University (2023)



Vardy, D., Csikvari, G., Wash Ivanovic, G., 2020. Caravanserai: Virtual Studio-Exhibition, Suzhou Design Week 2020, 30/10/2020 - 6/11/2020.

Capitanio, M., Dall'Asta, J.C., Croset, P.A., Wash Ivanovic, G., 2017. West of Japan/East of Europe: Bruno Taut's Hyuga Villa, Design Building, XJTLU, 17/10/2017 - 3/11/2017.


Raonic, A., Herr, C., Wash Ivanovic, G., Westermann, C., 2017. 'Protocols, Flows and Glitches: Short Papers, Posters, Workshops Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2017)'.

Book Chapters

Dong, Y., Vardy, D., Wash Ivanovic, G., Latto, J., 2021. 'Living Museum'. In Suzhou Ancient City Micro Renewal: 2019-2020 Suzhou Ancient City Revival Architectural Design Workshop Excellent Portfolio. (Original title in Simplified Chinese), China Building Industry Press.

Journal Articles

Berstrand, T., Djalali, A., Dong, Y., Han, J., Hoskyns, T., Roslan, S., Wash Ivanovic, G., Westermann, C., 2022. 'A conversation on a paradise on earth in eight frames', East Asian Journal of Philosophy, 1 (3), pp. 95-116.

Wash Ivanovic, G., 2014. 'People as place-making coordinate: A methodology for visualizing personal spaces', Frontiers of Architectural Research, 3 (1), pp. 36-43.

Wash, G., 2011. 'Staying in Public Places: A Case Study in Ueno Park, Tokyo', The International Journal of the Constructed Environment, 1 (1), pp. 161-172.

Conference Papers

Wash Ivanovic, G., Miyazaki, S., 2024. 'Drawing the Invisible: Visualizing Patterns of Occupation in Two Streets in Shanghai', 389, pp. 839-849.

Wash Ivanovic, G., Myazaki, S., 2018. 'Drawing the Invisible: Visualizations of Rice Farming in Rural China', Proceedings for CUI'17-V International Contemporary Urban Issues, Istanbul.

Wash Ivanovic, G., Miyazaki, S., 2018. 'Visualizing the Human-Landscape relationship in Rural China', Protocols, flows and glitches: the 22nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, CAADRIA 2017, Suzhou, China.

Wash Ivanovic, G., 2016. 'Clustering Places', 22/11/2015 - 26/11/2015, in Rome, Italy, 2015: City as organism - Proceedings ISUF 2015, 8.

Wash Ivanovic, G., 2016. 'Silk Prosperity Reminiscences: A case study in Suzhou's urban fabric', 4th International Conference on the Archi-Cultural Interactions through the Silk Road, iaSU2016, Nishinomiya, Japan, 16/7/2016 - 18/7/2016, in Proceedings for the 4th International Conference on the Archi-Cultural Interactions through the Silk Road, pp. 130-133.

Wash Ivanovic, G., Miyazaki, S., 2016. 'Visualizing Patterns of Occupation in the Old Pugao Village', in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia ISAIA2016: Resilience and Diversity: Rethinking Asian Architecture for the Next Generation, pp. 673-678.

Wash Ivanovic, G., Tamura, J., 2015. 'Core-housing and collaborative architecture: Learning from Dandora', The FUTURE of Architectural Research: ARCC 2015 Conference Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Chicago, pp. 363-368.

Wash Ivanovic, G., Tamura, J., 2014. 'Sites and Services from an Architectural Perspective: A Case Study in the Dandora Community', 21/6/2014 - 23/6/2014, in ACSA International Conference - Open Cities: The New Post-Industrial World Order, 2014, 9.

Wash Ivanovic, G., 2013. 'Drawing the invisible: Visualizing personal spaces', in Open Systems - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, CAADRIA 2013, pp. 571-580.