Alumni and student profiles

Landscape Architecture is a highly rewarding and diverse profession which allows you to take stock of the landscapes around you and to bring more value to them.Samuel Cortis Master of Landscape Architecture
Alumni Profile

Remi Phillips-Hood
Master of Architecture
Student Profile
Student Profile

Vilius Petraitis
BA (Hons) Architecture
Alumni Profile
Alumni Profile

Training as a Landscape Architect is both exhausting and exhilarating! If you want to be stretched and challenged this is the definitely the career for you.Beth Houston Master of Landscape Architecture
Alumni Profile

The philosophy of Manchester School of Architecture allows you to explore unique concepts, but still make them tangible and relatable to the real world.Lola BA (Hons) Architecture
Alumni Profile

Finbar Charleston
BA (Hons) Architecture
Alumni Profile
Alumni Profile

Anna Krysa
MA Architecture
Student Profile
Student Profile

Being a student at Manchester School of Architecture gives you the unique advantage of studying at two of Manchester's universities.Jhower Emanuel Sanchez Pinela BA (Hons) Architecture
Student Profile

I was keen to find out how my fields of study had evolved since I left them in the early 1980s.David Chandler MA Architecture and Urbanism
Student Profile
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Christopher Jaume
MA Architecture and Urbanism
Alumni Profile
Alumni Profile

The course has been a very challenging experience as I have had the opportunity of pushing my limits as a designer by questioning myself about every aspect of my design.Alejandra Caro MA Landscape Architecture
Student Profile

I enjoyed the opportunities to work with undergraduate students and local communities which I find crucial at this stage of my architectural development.Albena Atanassova MA Architecture
Student Profile

Samuel T. Stone
MA Architecture
Student Profile
Student Profile

James Taylor-Foster
BA (Hons) Architecture
Alumni Profile
Alumni Profile

Being a student at Manchester School of Architecture gives you the unique advantage of studying at two of Manchester's universities.Benjamin Carter BA (Hons) Architecture
Student Profile

All of the different arts degrees which take place on the same campus create a very inspirational environment.Ellis Murphy BA (Hons) Architecture
Alumni Profile

William Horn
PgCert Architecture and Contemporary Practice (RIBA Part 3)
Alumni Profile
Alumni Profile