Manchester School of Architecture has received unconditional approval on a recent visit from the Board of Architects Malaysia (LAM), meaning graduates of MSA programmes can register as Graduate Architects in the country - including the School’s 60 current Malaysian students. 

On their visit, the LAM commended numerous aspects of teaching and delivery at MSA, including learning design, which they described as nurturing “key design skills, imagination, creative thinking processes, critical analysis and sound judgement throughout the development of design at two-dimensional and three-dimensional stages”.

The knowledge and thinking skills outlined and learned in this course can serve as a scaffold for the students to learn about Malaysia, or any other countries or cultures

Assessment feedback was described as “thorough and detailed”, with the LAM commenting that students “commend the academic staff that allowed them to explore architecture in their own way, allowed them to be independent and creative, giving each student a chance to discover what they are interested to pursue”.

The School ateliers were also praised, with the LAM commenting that “The continuity of ateliers over two years allows for depth of research and development of a specific area of architecture. The panel appreciates the depth of research promoted by the continuity in the study area”

Students were given the opportunity to study and analyse various building materials and construction technologies that complement the studio work. The amount of research is comprehensive and well-elaborated

Professor Kevin Singh, Head of Manchester School of Architecture, said “We are delighted to receive ongoing unconditional approval from the LAM in Malaysia, which will help us cement our position as an attractive place to study for Malaysian students and the wider Malaysian community in Manchester. International accreditations such as this reinforce the Manchester School of Architecture as a truly global school”.