Reader in Architecture Sally Stone, Programme lead for MA Architecture and Adaptive Reuse and leader of MSA’s Continuity in Architecture atelier, has been invited to take up the role of Visiting Professor within the department of architecture and arts Integral Design Environment at Venice’s Iuav University.

As part of the role, Sally will be delivering a series of in-person and online lectures to Iuav students on Sustainable Adaptive Reuse, with topics including ‘Strategies for Transformation’, ‘Assemble Memory and the Recovery of Wholeness’, and ‘Revealing New Layers of Meaning in the Built Environment’. Sally will also be conducting research into the sustainable adaption of existing buildings, with a focus on environmental concerns within the inherently fragile city of Venice.

‘ “This is a wonderful opportunity to reinforce the long-held relationship between the two schools and also for me to study the impact that tourism and climate change are having upon the delicate fabric of the city of Venice”, said Sally. “The future of the already built is an important research area that has adaptive reuse at its heart, so it is a great honour to be able to study this in such a beautiful city.”

The invitation reflects Sally’s sustained body of research connected with architecture, interiors and adaptive reuse. This includes the recent books UnDoing Buildings (Routledge), ReReadings (RIBA), From Organisation to Decoration (Routledge) and the forthcoming Inside Information (RIBA).

Founded in 1926, Iuav University of Venice was one of the first architecture schools in Italy, and has produced notable alumni including Abbas Gharib, Giancarlo De Carlo and Alejandro Aravena.