Zhao, Y., Uduku, O., and Murray-Rust, D. (2017)
EdenApp Thermal Comfort: An mobile app for measuring personal thermal comfort. In Passive Low Energy Architecture - Design to Thrive.
Zhao, Y., Carter, K., Wang, F., Uduku, O., and Murray-Rust, D. (2018)
Self-Learning Framework for Personalised Thermal Comfort Model. In 10th Windsor Confernce - Rethink Thermal Comfort.
Treacy G. and Uduku O. (2014)
PTAS Research Award Report
Treacy G. and Uduku O. (2013)
“Environmental Design Analysis Models in Technology and Environment Teaching in Architecture Schools”, Opinion, Edinburgh Architectural Research Journal (EAR).
Uduku N. (2011)
IES Education Project, CIC Educational Consultancy Report, Glasgow CIC.