
"National Primary School? My memories are like faded photographs, the edges blurring, details dissolving into the past. As an underprivileged student, I felt a profound sense of isolation."

"Leaving school, I was determined to help my parents. My goal was to ensure my siblings would not experience the same isolation I endured."

Re-Skool challenges the status quo by posing a fundamental question: How can reimagining the design of Malaysian National Primary Schools reshape the educational system and promote greater inclusivity for underprivileged students?

By embracing mobility as a core design principle, Re-Skool strives to dismantle a key source of inequality: government-mandated catchment areas. This innovative approach ensures equitable access to quality education for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background. Every child deserves the opportunity to learn in a stimulating and well-designed environment, and Re-Skool removes the geographical barrier that currently hinders this goal.

The name itself, "Re-Skool," embodies the spirit of reform. "Re-" signifies not just a physical transformation but also a national movement for change, echoing the powerful Malaysian term "Reformasi." Re-Skool is more than a school; it's a catalyst for a more equitable and inclusive educational landscape.