SynthEco Habitats In Manchester

This year's thesis topic, which involved collaboration with Alkim Uzunonat, suggests a course of action: utilizing the natural ability of the environment to repair ecological disruptions. The envisioned paradigm seeks to establish a symbiotic environment that promotes a symbiotic association between the domains of humans and non-humans. Through the deliberate incorporation of 'Chlorella' into the urban landscape, our aim is to establish a setting in which the interplay between the natural world and human society can facilitate the restoration of ecological equilibrium. In this case, algae—an adaptable and quick-growing organism—play a crucial role.

The idea focuses on establishing "algae green spaces" that have two functions: they improve the city's appearance and serve as a biofilter to absorb carbon emissions. In addition, the project shows how communities can actively tackle global warming by using algae as a sustainable resource in architecture. It also emphasizes the significance of creative problem-solving techniques and giving environmental sustainability top priority in urban planning to build a more sustainable and healthful future.