Theatre of Involution

This project focuses on exploring the relationship between emotions and space within the context of the "involutional world," emphasizing how individuals become selfless cogs in the capitalist-dominated social machine. In this state, people lose the ability to distinguish between relaxation, the meaning of work, and life itself.

Using Manchester, the city I currently reside in, as a canvas, I draw inspiration from my personal life experiences to craft a narrative that delves into the emotions associated with involution, ultimately forming my vision of an involutional city.

Presented through the "Theatre of Involution," my project demonstrates how the involutional city affects human emotions through spatial forms. It aims to recreate scenarios that evoke the feelings arising from involution, allowing the audience to resonate with the depicted experiences. The narrative centers around my personal journey of involution, depicting my internal struggle between "self-redemption" and "continuous decline." Through this portrayal, I express my powerless call and rebellion against the pervasive phenomenon of involution, inviting viewers to reflect on their own experiences and the broader societal implications.