Spiritual Sustenance Space

Throughout my journey from STUDIO1 to STUDIO3, I have deeply explored the intricate relationship between space, perception, and resistance against capitalist exploitation. In STUDIO1, I examined how artists use visual elements like lighting and color to shape human perception within spaces, laying the foundation for understanding power dynamics in spatial configurations.

Building on this, STUDIO2 introduced the narrative dimension, exploring how embedded narratives in architectural design influence behavior and shed light on labor exploitation under the '996' work schedule, highlighting capitalist oppression. This stage expanded my inquiry beyond aesthetics to the social implications of spatial design.

STUDIO3 synthesized these approaches into a cohesive framework. Here, abstract concepts and narratives were transformed into tangible spaces that resist capitalist hegemony. This studio focused on spiritual perception to guide meaningful action and further explored the adversary DJI, positioning Spiritual Sustenance Spaces as resilient against capitalist oppression and dehumanizing work culture.

Reflecting on this journey, it has been transformative, enhancing my understanding of the interplay between space, narrative, and resistance. It emphasized the critical role architects play in shaping social consciousness and collective action against systemic injustices. I am excited to continue exploring these themes and contributing to spatial justice and liberation. I am grateful for Rosie and Stefan’s support at &arch studio and look forward to applying these insights in my future practice.