Williams, a modern building located between Upper Brook Street, Gartside Gardens, and the UOM campus, was formerly a car showroom and is now abandoned. Given its unique location and the limitations of the current MSA building, we propose transforming Williams into a new MSA building. The design envisions integrating green spaces into the architecture and campus.

We plan to close Kincardine Rd and Inchley Rd to connect the park with the campus. For the Williams building, we will remove non-structural elements to offer more opportunities for redevelopment. The church on the south side will be converted into a campus library. Additionally, the design will reflect the surrounding architecture, including the houses to the east, the campus to the west, and unique Manchester features like the Manchester street art walls and UMIST heritage. Reclaimed materials from the original building, such as red brick and transparent glass, will be reused in the new structure. Furthermore, the exterior of Section B will feature vertical metal slats, echoing the Manchester Engineering Campus and adding a technological edge and planting greenery to face the campus in a green way.

The design includes specialized teaching rooms, computer labs, gardens, an exhibition hall, a model storage area, a library, lecture halls, informal study spaces, courtyards, a model-making area, a new café, and a viewing platform.