On Growth & Food

The troublesome distribution of surplus under the capitalist economy casts a shadow on every aspect of society, including what we daily eat. The current food system is dominated by post-produced meals lacking in nutritional value. With millions of tons of food wasted annually, countless families skip meals due to unaffordable food prices. Consuming what our bodies essentially need has become almost a luxury. How can we make fresh produce accessible and affordable to all groups of society?

Located in Spartan Works, Sheffield, On Growth & Food is a farmhouse project that accommodates the growth of 30 varieties of vegetables throughout the year. With careful selection of RHS-awarded vegetables suited to the UK climate, the entire structure aims to self-sustain the consumption of eight occupants with NHS-approved levels of nutrition. Recognizing that everyone experiences some level of marginalization in our current food system, On Growth & Food welcomes users from all backgrounds to engage in sustainable and affordable fresh consumption.

The project celebrates ‘growth’ in both the function and concept of its architecture. On Growth & Food’s conceptual inspiration draws upon the theory of architectural phenomenology, rigorously practising Steven Holl’s methodology of transforming the idea of ‘growing’ into tangible space. The programmatic inspiration draws upon the alternative economic theory of time banking, allowing occupants to acquire fresh produce and other necessities without monetary transactions. The eight occupants, categorized into long-term and short-term residents, take on various maintenance duties in exchange for food, agricultural knowledge, and a place to stay. All growing units are assembled on-site using waste materials, with two main systems—rainwater harvesting and bio-waste management—designed to reduce the primary energy consumption of the growing program. With the additional co-housing scheme enabling secondary transactions between occupants to exchange interdisciplinary skills with one another, On Growth & Food fosters a collaborative and self-sustaining community towards a non-captalist driven future.