What if a building produced energy instead of consuming it? What if a structure could captivate and engage the public in an unexpected and thrilling manner?

I explore these possibilities in SEEDERS. The outer skin of the building not only serves as an aesthetically pleasing representation of Stockport's hat-making heritage but is also integrated with solar cells to generate energy. The central double spiral staircase offers the public a panoramic route, allowing them to observe the growing area and the cityscape from the top.

SEEDERS envisions a prototype urban farm lab in Stockport where the methods of future food production are studied and practiced. With a mission to build urban agriculture business models and networks, SEEDERS identifies underused buildings and spaces to transform them into productive, edible landscapes. Beyond its practical functions, it serves as a social hub—a thriving oasis where edible greens flourish and the art of cultivation is shared. As food production thrives, so does the sense of connection, sustainability, and the joy of collective self-reliance.