This project aims to forge an ecological link that connects and expands existing habitats around Manchester, enhancing green infrastructure and supporting local biodiversity while preparing for an extreme climate crisis. The strategies employed seek to establish a continuous ecological network, amplifying existing habitat networks and extending green infrastructure to foster biodiversity. The existing golf courses, which are abundant in the site territory and currently contribute little to local biodiversity, will be transformed from ecological deserts into biodiversity hotspots by incorporating ponds, wetlands, and native planting, managed sustainably. Methodologies such as habitat restoration, species reintroduction, and the creation of resilient landscapes are being implemented to construct environments conducive to species survival, mitigating extinction risks. Multifunctional spaces are proposed across the site to withstand climate impacts, accommodate diverse species, and serve as wildlife refuges. By creating a robust network of habitats and revitalizing urban green spaces, this project will cultivate a sustainable urban environment where nature and humanity coexist harmoniously, ensuring ecological balance and resilience against future climate crises.