Stoodley Pike, as a landmark symbolizing Todmorden, holds significant commemorative value for the local community. However, over time, the stories behind it seem to be fading from collective memory. My inquiry into how to reach Stoodley Pike among the locals revealed a sense of disconnect and confusion about the reasons for visiting, which was quite striking. This might be due to Stoodley Pike's isolated location in the vast wilderness, making access challenging and thereby widening the communication gap with the local community. Additionally, the landmark's association with historical military victories may not resonate closely with the community's current collective memory. This disconnection prompted my research into the urban center of Todmorden and the suburban area surrounding Stoodley Pike. The core research question, "How can the gap between Stoodley Pike's commemorative significance and collective memory be bridged?" focuses on exploring strategies to rejuvenate the landmark's historical and cultural significance within the community. This involves looking into enhancing accessibility, improving information dissemination about its history, and perhaps linking its significance more closely with local narratives andcontemporary community values.