Sanctuary Of Growth

This project is set in Sheffield, famously known as the "Steel City" due to its pivotal role in the steel industry during the Industrial Revolution. It aims to create spaces dedicated to education and collaboration, focusing on agriculture while considering social and environmental impacts within a circular economy framework. The goal is to revitalise this post-industrial site, breathing new life into its rich historical context.


The design envisions an agricultural education hub within an existing on-site structure, creating green spaces for cultivation and social interaction. This hub aims to enhance the well-being of users through direct engagement with nature. The material elevation, inspired by the surrounding context, incorporates brick and corrugated steel. By using local materials, the project reduces overall costs and embodied carbon, showcasing a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. Additionally, it leverages local skills, fostering a sense of community ownership and pride—a building crafted by the community, for the community.

This project's design underscores the importance of environmental sustainability in our society. By utilising existing structures and materials and incorporating innovative growing systems, the project aligns with the architecture design principles of material first and cradle-to-cradle. Additionally, the inclusion of large windows and a roof terrace establishes a connection to the natural environment, which is vital for the success of the project.