Life Between Generations

Where do I imagine myself living when I am 60? It was a driving factor for my design process which helped me understand the need of the society and elderly.

How can architecture strategically incorporate intergenerational housing into the urban fabric, and respond to changing needs of elderly by seamlessly connecting it with both the city centre and Mayfield, by fostering inclusivity, accessibility, and a sense of community for our “future older population?”

The main aim of the project is to provide elderly a happy and healthy intergenerational environment to live. To achieve this and to activate a state of change, one design decision was to accommodate the changing needs and growing family with time, which is achieved by flexible, modular, and adaptable structure. Intergenerational living is the solution as it allows meaningful connections and breaks barriers. It is the need of the society. This project is a personal understanding as I myself have been living in an intergenerational household since past 23 years. It creates an interconnected community and helps reduce social isolation. The design focuses 3 C’s: Community, Collaborate, Connect. 

Intergenerational living is celebrating life together rather than sitting in a room alone.