Retrofitted South Manchester

This thesis proposes a comprehensive retrofitting initiative for the housing stock in South Manchester, adhering to the rigorous EnerPHit standards, and extending this retrofit design across the entire community. The primary objective is to create a sustainable and energy-efficient living environment that reduces energy costs and carbon footprint while enhancing overall quality of life. Central to this proposal is the development of a FABRIC FIRST approach to guide through the process of upgrading the homes to meet EnerPHit standards. This informed decision making about energy-efficient, significantly reduces energy consumption and promotes environmental sustainability alongside financial savings for homeowners.

In addition to energy efficiency, this retrofit design addresses a multitude of social and environmental considerations, aiming to enhance residents’ quality of life on both physical and emotional levels. The design fosters a multi-generational living environment, students living as paying guest to mitigate loneliness and improve emotional well-being along with a pet-friendly set up also allowing work from home. 

Furthermore, it addresses biodiversity concerns by incorporating green roofs, wildlife corridors, insect hotels, swift box and low-embodied carbon materials, fostering harmonious coexistence between humans and non-humans. By prioritizing carbon levels, energy efficiency, social connectivity, environmental stewardship, stormwater management, flood resilience, and biodiversity enhancement, this initiative aspires to create resilient and vibrant communities that thrive in harmony with their natural surroundings.