About Me:
To me, architecture is a discipline that intertwines with all aspects of life, emphasizing the need for physical unity in an increasingly interconnected world. With global and national objectives in mind, I am driven to bridge the gap between people and their surroundings. As a [CPU]ai student, this idea has evolved, particularly through the lens of computational methodologies. Mastering tools like Grasshopper and Python, which is seen as a distinctive skill set, enables the efficient and precise transfer of complex information. This expertise was crucial in my final year for developing a framework addressing socio-economic segregation while prioritizing a zero-carbon agenda at an urban scale.
About Thesis:
Urban redevelopment is a recurring process aimed at revitalizing disadvantaged neighborhoods to enhance urban prosperity and improve quality of life. However, this process often leads to gentrification. The Manchester City Council’s strategic planning team has identified the Eastern Gateway as a key site for urban redevelopment, but given the area's current demographic, there is a significant risk of negative gentrification effects. My thesis project investigates how an urban redevelopment proposal can reduce socio-economic segregation and increase environmental sustainability to foster a resilient future.
To tackle this issue, I developed a computational tool designed to analyze and create urban redevelopment schemes that enhance socio-economic inclusivity and environmental sustainability. The research on affordability frames the design problem and addresses it through hybrid buildings that incorporate amenities within mixed-use structures.
A significant outcome of this project is an application that allows users to view and compare generated design iterations analytically and in terms of performance. Each iteration offers a degree of interactivity, enabling users to engage with the urban and building scales on site, assessing performance and specific metrics related to socio-economic inclusivity and the vision for future zero-carbon cities.