In 2050, global discord hampered effective climate action, leading to mass displacement, worsening health crises, biodiversity loss, and crumbling infrastructure in cities like East Manchester. However, innovative zero carbon city designs offered hope. Currently, in 2060, we redesigned city planning with a focus on zero carbon to ensure a better future for the planet. This means prioritizing sustainable practices like using materials that capture carbon, creating more green spaces, and implementing smart infrastructure to minimize our environmental impact. By embracing these changes, we can build cities that not only reduce emissions but actively work to remove carbon from the atmosphere, paving the way for a healthier and more sustainable world. These cities exemplified resilience and adaptation, providing a blueprint for sustainable urban development amid the climate crisis.

In the pursuit of a sustainable and zero carbon built environment, this project endeavours to revolutionize urban design. By integrating computational tools for spatial optimization, and carbon rating, and emphasizing green infrastructure, our goal is to pioneer a city model that excels in energy generation, carbon removal, and resource efficiency, setting new benchmarks for eco-centric urban living.

To tackle this challenge, we developed a computational tool designed to analyse and create an optimal urban fabric that aligns with our objectives. This tool leverages various theories, urban block design principles, and user-defined parameters. It employs advanced computational techniques, primarily circle packing, and cellular automata. Additionally, we programmed the tool to evaluate the generated iterations based on multiple performance metrics, including consumption and generation of electricity, distribution of green amenities, and the number of residential units.