Ennerdale Nature's Buffer

Natural Water Management in Ennerdale, Cumbria 

Our approach at ‘Infrastructure.Space’ Atelier focuses on unlocking latent potential within existing environments. This project exemplifies our ethos—leveraging inherent environmental capabilities to address pressing challenges effectively through thematic data mapping, policies, speculative design, stakeholder workshops, and public exhibitions.

Territory chosen, part of the Wild Ennerdale, required a careful balance between enhancing and protecting the priority habitats and species from flooding through natural flood management techniques, employing natural buffers and conservation methods to enhance climate resilience, support biodiversity, and benefit the community.

Project Highlights:

Strategically Designed Wetlands: These wetlands capture and store rainwater, managing excess during heavy rainfall while supporting biodiversity.

Floodplain Meadows: Acting as natural sponges, these meadows absorb floodwaters and release stored water during drier periods, maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

Native Plantings: Specifically chosen to enhance water absorption and prevent soil erosion, native plant species play a crucial role in stabilizing the landscape and optimizing water use.

Conservation of Priority Habitats: Protecting priority habitats like fenlands, broadleaved woodlands, and SSSI designated river enhances their natural ability to boost carbon sequestration and manage water effectively, while safeguarding biodiversity and supporting the salmon population in River Ehen.

Use of Reedbeds: Material matters study on reeds highlights their role in enhancing water infiltration, controlling soil erosion, and providing vital habitats for wading birds and other invertebrates, enriching the ecological function of the wetlands.

Adaptable Infrastructure: Incorporating floating boardwalks to ensure accessibility while maintaining ecological integrity.

• Community Engagement: By educating and involving the community in conservation and water management, this can help foster sustainable practices and economic benefits.

By applying ecological design principles, Ennerdale demonstrates the potential for harmonious coexistence between natural systems and human activities. The approach creates multifaceted spaces for the community and other stakeholders, setting a precedent for sustainable and adaptive environmental practices.