Threads of Resilience

The Threads of Resilience project confronts an ingrained narrative of dominance, focusing instead on the amplification and integration of non-human voices into the urban fabric. Guided by our central research question—how can the voices and interactions of non-human species be amplified and integrated into the urban fabric, enhancing their polyphonic presence in the environment?—we have aimed to address critical environmental issues through a holistic approach encompassing ecosystem restoration, community engagement, and legislative advocacy.

Throughout our journey, we have zeroed in on two interconnected challenges in Greater Manchester: amplifying non-human personas and addressing the decline in UK wildlife abundance. Our strategies have woven together research, design, and implementation, crafting a narrative that elevates non-human actors within the urban landscape.

By adopting a holistic approach to sustainability and resilience, we are fostering a more harmonious relationship between humans and non-humans—one defined by empathy, stewardship, and mutual respect.

Hence; the GreenThreads action plan

The GreenThreads initiative exemplifies the transformative power of collaboration, creativity, and compassion. It is not merely a project but a movement towards a more equitable and sustainable future. Our efforts have expanded our understanding of urban ecology and laid the foundation for a path forward, where the voices of all species are heard and valued.