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Todmorden, a town northeast of Manchester, is a 30-minute train ride from the city. The town's social and economic activities are primarily concentrated around the Todmorden Market Hall. Despite its vibrant centre, Todmorden faces significant challenges, particularly the threat of flooding. The town's residents are dispersed across surrounding hills and mountains, leading to a reliance on private vehicles due to limited public transport coverage. This dependency burdens the local transportation system and creates a shortage of parking in the town centre. Consequently, residents often spend more time in neighbouring towns, which is unsustainable for Todmorden's growth.

This project, situated at the edge of the town centre, comprises two key components: a Community Centre and a T Level School. The goal is to establish a new focal point in Todmorden, generating greater social interaction between the town centre and its outskirts. The proposed Community Centre aims to provide residents with a space to relax, build social connections, and explore new opportunities.

Interviews with Todmorden residents reveal a need for greater support for teenagers in their academic and career aspirations. The T Level School offers an alternative to traditional academic pathways, training students for various career fields. By partnering with local businesses, the school facilitates student placements within Todmorden, enhancing their prospects for local employment. This initiative promotes a sustainable cycle where the older generation mentors the younger one, retaining human resources within Todmorden and bolstering its social and economic resilience.