The River Mersey Restoration Centre

In England, only 14% of rivers meet standards for good ecological status, experts say that without significant and urgent action, some of our best-loved freshwater species face a perilous future.

This project is centered around restoring the River Mersey and other surrounding waterways, focusing on revitalizing a degraded river ecosystem while providing educational and recreational facilities for the local community. The programme of my intervention includes a series of interconnected spaces which blend into the natural landscape, including a research area, climate crisis exhibition, a kayaking and river cleanup facility, and a cafe. Aiming to promote both environmental and social sustainability as well as community engagement.

The circular program was inspired by the shape of airborne fungus samples I collected from the site. Through small-scale explorations of this fungus, I gained insights into often unseen non-human organisms, enhancing my abilities as a designer to incorporate these elements into my work.

This project represents my current effort to address biodiversity loss, while also taking into account the carbon footprint and life cycle of the architectural intervention.