Urban Farmstay

In contemporary society, anxiety is no longer just a psychological state of the individual, but an significant social issue, characterised by its intricacies and multifaceted nature. Fierce competition, escalating job requirements, long working hours, excessive expectations and economic instability are all contributing to the rising levels of anxiety.

How to address the impact of anxiety on people's lives has become an unavoidable social issue.

Through research, interviews and autobiography, the cooking process and food intake can contribute to distraction and reduce tension, which corresponds to the functions of farmstay (farm, ranch, kitchen, and accommodation). By being hands-on in preparing food, people can experience a sense of accomplishment and autonomy, which can have a positive effect on the positive regulation of emotions. Thus, using food and food consumption as a potential avenue to alleviate anxiety, understanding what role the special environment plays and facilitating the emotional transition. 

About urban farmstay, it can provide anxious people with direct contact with nature and animal. Moreover, urban farmstay provides participants with activities such as planting, picking, and feeding animals, which allows anxious people to experience a sense of accomplishment through collaboration and labour. Increasing human interaction with nature and animals is something I’ve always strived for.