Labyrinth Court

How do you Attract and Influence Others to Feel a Sense of Belonging in the City, apart from Graffiti Artists?

I discovered the issues of social fragmentation within communities after visiting Mayfield multiple times. The public feels disconnected from the place, which led to the social isolation and division that contradict graffiti artists behaviour. These erode the sense of community and common purpose due to a lack of social interaction and participation. For these reasons, the design concept of Labyrinth promotes diversity, inclusivity, and interactive environments for active engagement and sharing experiences.

As the project expands further, the key idea of seed bombing has developed to facilitate the sustainability and project’s feasibility. Graffiti and seed bombing are similar, as both are forms of unconventional activism or expression that can be used to communicate ideas, provoke thought, or transform urban settings. These grasp both parts of the tension between this continuum of street art, graffiti, and seed bombing.