Connections: Reconnecting Mayfield to Manchester

How can isolated Mayfield be reconnected with the urban fabric of Manchester City Centre through Picadilly Viaducts? The viaducts currently are under dormant conditions and feels confusing and unsafe to walk past it. There is no marketplace in Manchester city centre unlike other major cities that support the local economy, uplift individual business owners and bring market place as part of life for Mancunians. How would people explore this marketplace under the viaducts? What role does architecture play in enhancing the experience of transiting through the viaducts?

The UK Government and the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) have been actively pushing the construction industry for sustainable practices to achieve Carbon carbon-neutral goal by 2030. It is a concept that poses a mixture of reconnecting isolated Mayfield into the city centre and a social issue of bringing market as part of lives for Mancunians. We have developed an adaptive reuse proposal of the market into railway viaducts here that pushes the same goal with a wider and holistic perspective where through architectural sustainability we also promote social, economic and environmental sustainability which can be applied in various contexts and scales, not in Mayfield or Manchester but globally.