A Town Between Shelves

The proposal for Todmorden's new library aims to go beyond the traditional idea for this type of infrastructure as a "building to store books", making a meaningful contribution to the town's community. A place which gives people from all ages and genders the opportunity to explore historical research, find jobs, exchange knowledge and immerse themselves in great stories, whilst also providing a place for gathering. It can be compared, not only in its programme but in its forms, to the composition of a town, a town with squares and green pockets for these interactiosn to occur. This is essentially a life between the shelves, life between the buildings. The little oases between the volumes have been designed with this in mind, being interconnected with the rest of the programme. 

Roofscape, water and light are the three main concepts the project is based on. The building intregates into its surroundings through its slanted roofs and stone facades, whilst applying environmental strategies like a water harvesting system and controlled natural light entries through the shifting skylights.

The masterplan extends into Bramsche Square, aiming to sew together the town centre by pedestrianising the surrounding area and creating a park for residents and visitors to enjoy. It becomes a place to be in contact with nature and next to the river, having different programmes depending on the season. In essence, this area will provide a link between the River Calder and the Library, directing people towards it as well as creating a connection with the green pockets formed by its courtyards. The new Library of Todmorden will fit into its roofscape, having a contemporary look to it, whilst preseving the traditional design elements of the area.