Throughout the course, I have come to appreciate the importance of nature and got interested in interpreting the relationship between humans and non-humans. I was aware of the equivalence between humans and non-humans, and decided to reduce this equivalence through my design. My goal was to create an environment for the coexistence of humans and non-humans. Humans are encouraged to observe non-humans from a distance, so that they can learn more about non-humans without interrupting them.

The concept fosters the programme that the building is an interpretation centre. Visitors are encouraged to learn about local biodiversity and environmental crises through various activities, including exhibition, lectures and reading. Visitors are encouraged to interpret their knowledge to further understand nature or participate in environmental protection, such as making wildlife hotels or observing non-humans on elevated walkways .

This concept is also shown in the architectural language of this building. I slightly reversed what humans did to non-humans on humans themselves. In this concept, non-humans are free on site while human activities are restricted. This design creates a non-humans area and benefits local biodiversity. This also helps humans to experience the feeling of being caged, which helps them to reflect on the relationship between humans and non-humans. Both architectural concept and building programme aims at helping humans to learn and reflect on nature, that fosters a nature friendly community.