The Assembly

This project explores how architectural interventions can seamlessly integrate Mayfield with Manchester, creating a dynamic state of change in line with the Landsec U+I Mayfield development plan.

The site is the roof of the derelict Mayfield Viaduct, which was once the bustling Mayfield Station until the 1960s. Since then, the viaduct has been neglected, allowing nature to reclaim it, while surrounding areas such as Mayfield Park and Mayfield Depot have seen significant development and revitalisation.

The Assembly is proposed as a transformative space that revitalises the long-forgotten Mayfield Viaduct, offering a flexible community bike workshop. This hub aims to bring together people from Mayfield, Ardwick, and Manchester, bridging the gap between these areas. The Assembly’s primary function is to empower Mancunians to build their own bicycles, fostering a city-wide cycling culture and paving the way for a greener future.  It also acts as a community hub for socialisation between people from all over Manchester. This initiative represents the first step towards a more environmental and social sustainable Manchester.

The project's flexibility is exemplified by its innovative use of cardboard tube structures and modular workshop units. The cardboard structure rests on a permanent foundation, with a polycarbonate facade that is elevated to preserve the viaduct’s integrity. When the building materials reach the end of their lifespan, they can be easily recycled and replaced. The workshop modules function both as individual units and can combine to form a mezzanine. These modules are mobile, allowing for rearrangement to meet the changing needs of the community.

The Assembly is part of a larger master plan divided into three phases:

Phase 1 (2 Years): Construction of The Loop, a cycling track offering an observational experience, and The Beacon, a lift connecting Mayfield Park to the viaduct roof.

Phase 2 (1.5 Years into use): The Assembly is constructed as the roof level becomes more populated.

Phase 3 (10 Years): High-rise buildings from the Landsec U+I development plan are constructed, replacing the observatory bike track with office spaces. The Beacon remains a symbol of Mayfield and provides roof access. The Assembly continues as a bicycle workshop and evolves into a versatile space for various social events, becoming the social hub for the viaduct.

The Assembly epitomises the assembly of structure, community, and a greener future.