Tecture - where craftmanship meets technology

Tecture, a pioneering fashion design institute in Stockport, embodies the principles of connectivity and sustainability while prioritizing user comfort and engagement. The building enhances occupant well-being and acts as a dynamic hub for the fashion industry. It bridges the gap between traditional craftsmanship and modern technology, fostering collaboration among students, professionals, and local residents through versatile studio spaces, exhibition areas, and community gardens.

The program responds to both client and community needs, aligning with Stockport's urban regeneration goals. The layout creates open, inviting spaces for learning, socializing, and events. Naturally illuminated design studios with flexible layouts challenge traditional spatial hierarchies, prioritize user well-being, and stimulate creativity. Diverse areas cater to different user preferences, including collaborative workspaces, quiet study zones, individual work pods, and enclosed meeting rooms. Recreational spaces, a café, and access to the community garden strengthen community ties and support the local fashion ecosystem.

A key feature of Tecture is its state-of-the-art research labs, exploring cutting-edge technology in the fashion industry. These labs include VR studios, eco-textiles development areas, and 3D printing facilities. This advanced technology enables students and professionals to push the boundaries of fashion design, integrating innovative techniques with traditional methods. The institute also houses individual work pods for specialized artisans, such as hat making, jewelry making, and shoe making, ensuring a unique blend of craftsmanship and modern technology.

Sustainability is a core focus of Tecture. Strategies include using low-embodied energy materials like cross-laminated timber and glulam sourced locally, employing a translucent facade with adjustable shading elements, maximizing natural light through expansive glazing, implementing a rainwater harvesting system, promoting sustainable transportation with bicycle storage, and ensuring accessibility with multiple entrances and dedicated pedestrian paths.

In conclusion, Tecture aims to thoughtfully blend connectivity and sustainability. By fostering a relationship between technology, craftsmanship, and community, and prioritizing user comfort and engagement, it seeks to enhance educational architecture and contribute positively to the integration of green design in fashion education.