Todmorden's Heterotopia : An Everyday Vernacular Hub

My proposed building scheme is located in the heart of the town centre of Todmorden, a market town in West Yorkshire. I focus on exploring the extent to which the banal, everyday vernacular elements of Todmorden can be intensified to regenerate the town centre. It raises questions about the appropriate style for an urban civic hub, creating great streets and spaces for the human drama of everyday life—be it living, shopping, commuting, communing with neighbours, or entertaining.

With the research question 'How can reimagining Todmorden’s urban spaces leverage the vernacular expressions and practices of local communities to foster a more resilient, inclusive, and place-based everyday urbanism?' My design revolves around creating urban spaces that resonate with a town’s soul. This translates into Todmorden's Heterotopia, a civic hub fostering vibrant communities that celebrate local traditions and historical treasures. Todmorden’s unique spirit ignites my vision for bustling plazas adorned with interactive art installations, parks mirroring the surrounding landscapes, and galleries keeping local crafts alive.

As the town's Heterotopia, it embodies layers of meaning or relationship to other elements in Todmorden than immediately meets the eye. A community, cultural, institutional and discursive spaces that are transforming. Representing the world within worlds, realms within realms of Todmorden.

By reimagining urban spaces through the lens of local communities, my thesis proposes a framework for a more vibrant, resilient, fun and inclusive Todmorden. This paves the way for a future where everyday urbanism thrives, fostering a sense of belonging and connection for all. Where local people's voices are prioritised, the urban fabric expands based on their needs and not just for some mere ‘development and city advancement’.