SCAITCLIFFE HALL | Literature & Culture Centre

Nestled within the scenic Todmorden woodland, the Tudor Scaitcliffe Estate sits abandoned. Built by one of the most influential textiles families, the Grade II listed Scaitcliffe Hall holds a wealth of cultural history which is in danger of being lost to decay and neglect.

How we can secure a new future for these artefacts to protect against obsoletion whilst respecting their special historic and architectural interest stored within the building fabric?

Our proposed scheme ventures to re-imagine the site as a campus of literary education, culture and recreation to celebrate Claderdale’s rich literary heritage. Through this project, we created a series of methodologies of preservation, alteration and addition to conscientiously transform Scaitcliffe into a place recovered from neglect and resilient to Todmordens’ ongoing evolution.

Made in collaboration wih Rebecca Clarkson.