LOOMLANE QUARTER : Reviving Todmorden into Modern Mixed-Use Development

The Loomlane Quarter is a mixed-use development in Todmorden that combines public spaces with affordable housing. It features a marketplace for businesses and living spaces designed to enhance community bonds and contribute positively to Todmorden’s socioeconomic landscape. The project includes a central courtyard, small retail shops, a multipurpose hall, an open market, and exhibition spaces, all aimed at fostering social integration and interaction. Residential areas are integrated to prioritize social connectivity within the community.

The Integrating Key programme revives Todmorden’s historic cottage industry by blending living and working spaces in a modern architectural design. Historically, small businesses operated out of cottage houses particularly in Todmorden, producing goods like wool while also serving as living spaces. The programme aims to recreate this model, with an active ground floor accessible to the public and local businesses, and an upper floor dedicated to affordable housing, fostering community engagement and economic growth.