The Unearthed Oasis: A Secret Baths Beneath Manchester’s Surface

Hidden beneath the bustling streets and railway of Manchester Piccadilly, lies a forgotten natural gem - the river Medlock. Once thriving, Manchester’s waterways fell victim to pollution and neglect during the rapid industrialization of the 1800s. However, today, these rivers yearn to reclaim their place in the urban landscape. Introducing the visionary initiative of The Unearthed Oasis, which aims to reconnect people to the city, re-engage citizens with their heritage, and revitalize the river Medlock as spaces of connection, well-being, and ecological restoration. 

The Unearthed Oasis serve as a sanctuary for individuals to reconnect with nature, to find solace and discover themselves while immersed in the waters of Manchester. This transformative journey not only impacts Mayfield but the entire city and the world at large. By embracing the rivers as a means of connection, celebrating heritage, promoting well-being, and restoring the environment, the project breathes new life into the city, reconnects its citizens, and inspires a global movement towards sustainable urban development. It stands as a testament to the power of nature to heal, unite, and shape our collective future.

Taking inspiration from the city’s rich tradition of public baths dating back to the Roman Empire, the project seeks to revive this heritage by inviting people to bathe in the river Medlock. By intertwining the past and present, it honors Manchester’s history while creating new opportunities for connection in the modern world.

The Unearthed  Oasis  serves as a refuge in the heart of the city, providing a sanctuary where people can immerse themselves in the healing power of water. By swimming in the pristine waters of the revitalized river, the people of Manchester will experience improved well-being and a deeper spiritual connection with the natural environment.

The Unearthed Oasis project embraces minimalism, focusing on constructing only essential elements and retrofitting existing structures. By reusing materials and incorporating floating architecture principles, the project ensures feasibility in terms of materials, economics, and the environment. Additionally, it serves as a model for resilient and adaptive architecture, showcasing innovative approaches to sustainable design.

The revitalized river will become a vibrant community space, welcoming people from all walks of life to unwind, relax, access a clean source of water, and connect with one another. By nurturing both human and ecological communities, The  Unearthed Oasis fosters a sense of interconnectedness and stewardship for the natural world.