Reclaiming Rhythm

Reclaiming Rhythm aims to stitch the music community together, while reviving the previously boomin industrial quarter of Sheffield. The music hub offers spaces where musicians can pass on their legacy and passion to young aspirants embarking on their musical journeys. Considering the decreasing availability for music spaces and venues, as well as decreasing wealth of the local people, a low cost community commons, will be a cornerstone in rekindling the communal spirit and deep-seated love for music that has always been a defining trait of Sheffield.

My proposal focuses on a design scheme integrating the historic existing buidings, with a newer modernist feel. The clumber red 'Sheffield brick' faces the ground floor, connecting to the buildings on site, with reclaimed panelled timber facade rising to the skyline. Not only does this design intend to respect the site, but retain acoustic clarity between the internal and external space.

The cyclical nature of the scheme uses reclaimed materials to repair instruments in the workshop, whereby profits made from the market and concert tickets, goes towards maintenance within the performance area and workshop. At the heart of the site lies a vibrant outdoor performance area, designed to host live concerts and events under the open canopy, creating scenic views from the canal.