Reviving Urban Peatlands: Enhancing Accessibility and Community Engagement

“Once considered barren and unproductive areas, we now understand that peatlands are incredibly valuable ecosystems on a global scale. They not only provide habitats for various wildlife species but also play crucial roles in regulating the atmosphere’s composition and water cycles. Despite our growing recognition of their importance, many peatlands continue to face threats and undergo gradual deterioration. In addition to damage caused by grazing animals, fires, peat extraction for horticulture, and drainage projects, neglect also contributes to their decline. As these peatlands deteriorate, they lose their ability to fulfill their previous functions, resulting in reduced value for both humans and wildlife. The positive news is that intact peatlands can be preserved while damaged ones can be restored, with numerous benefits realized throughout the process.”

The aim of the project is to improve the accessibility of urban nature by increasing awareness of significant destinations and by removing both physical and mental barriers that hinder visits to the areas. In addition, this project will promote local community engagement to enhance the public understand of the peatland necessary.